
7 tracks from the Zoomerne Score

January 21, 2010 Audio, Video

A mix of 7 tracks from the score of the Zentropa motion picture “Zoomerne” (eng. title Zoomers). Music composed by Nicklas Schmidt. Played by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine. See clips from the film at www.zoomerne.dk

Zoomerne Prague Recording Session

January 21, 2010 Audio, Video

A video from the recording session of Christian E. Christiansen’s “Zoomerne” in the Smecky studio in Prague. This is the title theme from the film. Music composed and orchestrated by Nicklas Schmidt Conductor: Nic Raine The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Mix by Mads Creutzburg & Eddie Simonsen (Mainstream)


January 21, 2010 Featured, News

The international award winning Zoomerne (Zoomers) now on DVD Now for sale in Denmark – check cdon.com and major shops. – Available with Danish & English subtitles. When “Zoomerne” opened in Danish cinemas, several reviewers of the film mentioned the music specifically: “Nicklas Schmidt’s score sounds like it was taken from a gigantic Hollywood production.” – Berlingske Tidende Daily “Composer Nicklas Schmidt has made a tuneful score, that contributes to making Zoomerne an exciting film.” – On-Z.dk The film isRead More